Résumé in English

Peter Paul Verroen   “PP” (1957) 

Worked happily for over 35 years, with his former company PP in taal to improve written communication and structured thinking of governmental and non-governmental organizations. Admits there is still al lot of work to be done in this field,­ luckily enough.
He advises organizations, lectures on writing en thinking, writes and revises texts en builds writing and thinking tools.
Lots of organizations gave him the opportunity to  work in their proper kitchens to get to know how their sausage is made, -where he came up with a variety of solutions and ideas.
He designed and performed courses in argumentation and writing for government officials.
He wrote the method “ODL, Organization Description Language”, and the TLP “Tractatus Logico Processus”.
And he developed models for decision making with which one can compare qualitative arguments.
Is being appreciated for his open and critical communication with both executives and workers.
He studied linguistics & literature and history at the college of education in Delft, and philosophy in Utrecht -for a spell. He specialized in science of teaching, development of learning materials for professionals, in practical argumentation and in innovation, Business architecture and ICT.

©PP Verroen 2025